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Recall Status

Original Petitions filed by Martha Karnopp on behalf of Al Lindeman, Bonnie Fleming, and John Harvey on Nov. 16th.  All four directors targeted by the petitions objected as to form for false statements. The designated Election Official appointed by the district court is Public Alliance, a company that runs special district elections, and conducted the May 2023 HGMD election.

The original petitions were disallowed for false statements. The recall committee filed revised petitions on December 14th. the last day allowable. The petitions against Daniel Taylor, Rita Effler, and Craig Baldwin were allowed with hours of receiving the notice not allowing time for objection. The petition against Robin O'Meara was disallowed for false statements.

The approved petitions may be circulated consistent with HGA and HGMD rules for 60 days, in order to receive a minimum of 300 signatures on each petition.